Online Asthma Treatment

Asthma is an illness that affects breathing. During an asthmatic episode you may feel shortness of breath, chest tightness, coughing and having a wheeze.

To use this service you must have been previously diagnosed with asthma and on inhalers.

For: Men, Women, Ages 18+ (Under 18 with parental consent)

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a breathing problem that makes it hard to breathe properly.

It happens because the tubes in our lungs become narrow and swollen, making it difficult to get enough air. This can lead to coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath.

Certain things, like allergies, infections, and pollution, can trigger these breathing problems. While there is no cure for asthma, our doctors can help manage it with medicines and inhalers.

When to see our doctors regarding asthma?

If you get asthma episodes frequently than you are used to and find yourself using the reliever inhaler a lot, you may need to have medications you are on reviewed.



*people affected by asthma worldwide

Treatment for asthma in 3 easy steps

Take an online assessment

Tell us about your symptoms and any treatment for asthma you have tried in the past.

Meet a doctor online

We will respond within 24 hours to schedule a video chat or phone call to talk next steps and discuss medication options, if appropriate.

Online prescription

After consultation we will write you a same-day prescription to collect the medications at your nearest pharmacy (home delivery coming soon).

how does vango health protect privacy

How does Vango Health protect my privacy?

At Vango Health, your privacy is our priority. 

With online care, you can address health problems while maintaining complete privacy. The convenience and flexibility of scheduling online medical visits ensure that doctor appointments remain discreet.

Asthma Frequently Asked Questions

We use an clinically accredited questionnaire that assesses asthma symptoms severity and control. It consists of five questions that ask about the frequency of symptoms, impact on daily life, rescue inhaler use, and overall asthma control in the past four weeks. 

Everyone’s situation is different. Our doctors will review your case and decide the best course of action. If appropriate, we may adjust medication doses, prescribe combination therapy inhalers, give advise of identifying and avoid triggers. 

In severe cases of asthma and where we are unable to offer help we will refund your money back and refer you to an asthma specialist. 

Unfortunately not. In some cases it might not be the best course of action to see a select number of asthma patients online. 

If any of these apply to you we may not be able to assist you.

  • Use supplemental oxygen or require a prescription for supplemental oxygen
  • Have never been diagnosed with asthma before
  • Are under 18 or older than 60
  • Need daily medications like prednisone, theophylline, desensitization injections, or biologic medicines, in addition to inhaled asthma medications.
  • Experience chest pain
  • Are confused or disoriented
  • Have been hospitalized within the past week